SEO-rich content is at the heart of online PR and social media
management. Being regular with your content and keeping it fresh is
the best thing to do but it just one of many things you can do.
Here are some secrets that SEO writers use to build your content in a
way that search engines and readers love what’s on there.

1. Do your keyword research right

SEO professionals know the value of choosing the right keywords and
incorporating them into your content. You will need to do a thorough
SEO keyword research to identify which keywords and phrases are
popular in your niche (including what your site is optimized for).
Build a spreadsheet and keep track of keywords you are using, how many
times and their ranking.

2. Count your content length

Of course, some fresh content is better than none at all. However,
search engines also filter by content length and will discount what
they believe is thin content. Your article length should ideally be
500 words or more, but you can get visibility with 300-worders. Search
engines will go gaga over content that’s 1,500-2,000 words as that is
considered “in-depth” content. Remember the thumb rule: Long form
content wins over short form content on any given day.

3. Image optimization

Another of the important SEO hacks that can change the way readers and
search engines see your content is by adding compelling and relevant
images. The trick of image optimization is to ensure that you name
your images correctly (use a keyword or two here) and write a
SEO-friendly Alt text.
An important consideration here is the image size – your image has to
be high-resolution and eye-catching but beware of using very large
images which will slow down page loading and affect your ranking.

4. Be an editing ninja

Content that is not proofread to weed out the little errors can irk
your readers and have them click away from your site. After you have
written something, ensure that you re-read the piece to remove
long-winding sentences and other such inaccuracies.
Format your content to have short paragraphs and appropriate subheads
so people can scroll through.