Google Maps is a service by Google that no only aids in navigation but has also become a household tool in looking up businesses. When people are looking up businesses, Google search engine results include Google Maps listings of various businesses.
So, is there a way to rank higher on Google Maps? Having a good site description is not enough. All businesses aim to be on the first search results page, above the Google organic listings. Ranking on Google Maps is independent on website ranking on Google. So how can one improve their Google local business ranking on Google Maps?

Here are a few tips:
1. Provide accurate information: One should ensure that the information provided is accurate. No duplicate information should be offered such as different addresses for the same business. Each business should have a separate Google Business listing.
2. Utilize major data providers through citations and inbound links: Google checks to confirm that the data provided in the listing by a business matches that found on other trustworthy sources.
3. Include user reviews: Another tip to aid in getting a higher Google Maps rank is to allow consumers to have their say. Today, user reviews are more of a necessity for any business. To include reviews, one has to create a landing page on the business website that will provide a direct link to the Google Maps listing. Here, customers can write a review. Good reviews help businesses rank higher on Google Maps.
4. Use the appropriate categories: It is advisable to utilize all five categories offered by Google in making a listing. If the particular industry of the business is not included, one can create their own category. The primary category should be one that best suits one’s business. For the secondary categories, one should use the various keywords they choose to use. These should be used together with location specific qualifiers.
5. Better quality of inbound links: This should be accompanied by providing business information to large data providers. Having links on websites that rank higher on Google is a big advantage. A good example is the local Chamber website directory. Some of these sites charge for the business listing but others offer the same for free.
6. Utilize keywords in anchor text when creating inbound links: One should ensure that the inbound links use location-specific keywords.

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